Let the games begin

Hey, I’m Ellen. I love staying busy and thought making a site would be a great way to make sure that happens. Be sure to check out each page (Laughing, Learning, Listening, Loving) so you can stay “busy” too!

Here’s a breakdown of what I hope to put on each page.

  • Laughing
    • Things I hope make you laugh or at least smile
  • Learning
    • Fun facts, presentations, and recipes
  • Listening
    • Favorites of mine and new music I’ve found
  • Loving
    • Things I’m passionate about or have an interest in


3 thoughts on “Let the games begin

  1. This is so sweet! I love that you like to stay engaged and active in some form of community. Your overall design is good, though could be better. I’d suggest you make a more UI-friendly interface by implementing an optimized scroll or by watching an online tutorial of how to use your WordPress Theme. I did that for mine — it taught me so much! πŸ™‚ I really do love your page. Hope to read more of it in the future!


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